
Local community

Open Door

Open Door is a multi-faceted service open Monday to Thursday from 10am until midday.

On Mondays and Thursdays there is a drop-in for general help as well as advice on debt, benefits, housing and more. It is also the collection point for those with Gillingham Foodbank vouchers.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays the doors are open for more of a community feel, where there is opportunity for prayer, relaxing & chatting, asking questions and learning new skills.

Everyone is welcome to come for help or community.

On Tuesdays, during the colder months, we have a hot lunch for those who are finding it hard to make ends meet or would appreciate the company.

Acts 435


GCC has partnered with Acts 435 since 2012. It is a way of giving to anyone in need in different parts of the country through participating churches. If there is a need, people can contribute to that need and the money will be channelled through the nearest local church.

An advocate from the church will meet with the person who needs help to check if they are genuine and if there are any other needs as well as an opportunity to share the Gospel. To find out more or if you want to give check out the website www.acts435.org.uk.

Gillingham Foodbank


Launched in December 2011, the Gillingham Foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust's UK foodbank network which works in partnership with local churches and communities to open foodbanks nationwide. There are over 100 foodbanks in the UK. Last year UK foodbanks fed over 60,000 people.

Latest news and updates on the Gillingham Foodbank website.

Around the UK

GCC Partners personally support a number of UK mission organisations including Acts 435, Care for the Family, Christians Against Poverty, Family Life, Gillingham Foodbank, Friends International, Gloucester City Mission, Kintsugi Hope, Spring Harvest, Youth for Christ.