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Alpha Youth Series

Join Alpha Youth here at Gillingham Community Church, every Tuesday at 5pm from 21st January 2025.

The new Alpha Youth Series consists of 10 episodes run over 8 weeks exploring life’s real questions – made for youth by youth.

It features new experts, stories, street interviews and 8 Gen Z hosts.


Each week we will begin with a (free!) meal and then watch a video, followed by time for discussion.

Sign up below.

Alpha Youth

Got Questions?

What is Alpha Youth?

Alpha Youth is a series of interactive sessions designed to start an open and honest conversation around some of the big questions of life. Topics at Alpha Youth include: Who is Jesus, why did he die, how do I read the Bible, how do I pray, how is the Holy Spirit, and does God heal today? Alpha Youth runs all across the UK, in schools, homes, youth ministries, prisons, and online. No two Alpha Youths will look exactly the same but they typically have the same three main elements; eat food / play a game, watch a talk, and discuss.

An Alpha Youth session can run anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. When people arrive, they are welcomed into a friendly and safe environment. Alpha Youth always starts with some time of connection over a (free!) meal. After that, we watch one of the Alpha Youth episodes together. Each episode centres around a particular topic and includes discussion breaks throughout where the young people are encouraged to share what they think. During the discussion breaks, everyone’s opinion is heard and there is nothing that can’t be asked. Alpha Youth isn’t about winning arguments. It’s about listening and loving people.

Let's do this!

Is Alpha Youth for you? Great! Sign up using the form below and we will be in touch soon!

© 2025 by Gillingham Community Church

Registered Charity Number: 1129261