Gillingham Community Church is run by a team of leaders supported by everyone else in the church doing their bit! Here is a list of those who look after various aspects of the church's activities.
Jules Bond
Pete Bond
Liz Doré
Han Gibbons
Andy Sparkes
Sharon Williams
Small groups
Liz Dore and Clive & Sue Ozzard
Sarah & Tim Ford
Chris Duffield
Han Gibbons
Toni Shave, Pete & Jules Bond and Jen Belling
Angela Siderfin
Local community
Acts435: Karen Gibbons
Open Door (drop-in centre and community group): Han Gibbons and Bruce Harris
Foodbank collection point
Young people
Little Shoots (Age 0 to Year R): Sharon Williams
Acorns (Year 1 to Year 6): Sharon Williams
Youth (Year 7 to Year 9): Jules Bond
Church administration
Administrator: Liz Doré
Data protection (registered with Information Commissioner's Office Z1081772): Pete Bond
Health & safety: Liz Doré
Grant applications: Andy Sparkes
Safeguarding (children/vulnerable people): Toni Shave
Sound & media team: Pete Bond
Treasurer: Neil MacBean
Trustees: Pete Bond, Liz Dore, Karen Gibbons, Angela Siderfin (chair), Andy Sparkes, Toni Shave
Welcome team: Han Gibbons
Worship team: Joel and Emilie Ladlow
Website & Social Media: Robyn Davies
Compassion: Jules Bond
Churches Together: Leaders team
Eco church: TBA
Evangelical Alliance: Leaders team
Fairtrade: TBA