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Latest News

07 January 2016

happy New Year!

As promised, here's the New Yeart video we showed in the meeting recently.

02 November 2015

LifeLinks Synergy Conference

Steve and Han recently returned from this year's LifeLinks calendar in Canada and they were really impressed with the quality of teaching there. The talks are now all available for general viewing and listening for FREE - so why not click through and have a listen?

We value our relationship with LifeLinks and there is some real quality here that we can benefit from. Why not listen to talks in your small groups? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

02 November 2015

Vision, Aims and Values

We have been developing our Vision, Aims and Values to lead us through the next few years. They can be found on the website so here's a little guide:

  • The Vision, Aims and Values page tells you what they all are.
  • We are preaching through the Values until Christmas 2015.
  • Each preach will be linked from the associated Value so that you can recap and/or get a fuller understanding.

01 February 2015

Gillingham Link in The news

The Western Gazette reported recently on the launch of the Gillingham Link service. Here's a quote:

“FRIENDLY faces are to combat the issue of loneliness in Gillingham after a national charity announced the town was to host its tenth initiative.

The Link Visiting Scheme has announced its tenth project to support isolated people is to be based in the town. This initiative is being led by Gillingham Community Church.

The scheme aims to befriend and support anyone who is isolated or lonely and who would benefit from receiving a regular visitor. The majority of those visited will be older people, but there are no age restrictions applied. Volunteers will visit those who are mobile and those who are housebound

20 January 2015

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This week is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. There have been a couple of events in the town already and tomorrow's (Wednesday) is in the Old Library. Thursday will be at the Methodist Church and Friday at St Benedict's RC Church on Cemetery Road. All services start at 12pm. These events are mostly a time of reflection and discussion for half an hour - with, of course, an opportunity to pray! The week culminates in a finale (!) at Gillingham Methodist Church, this Sunday at 3pm.

January 2015

Happy New Year!

So 2015 is now a week old; have you broken any New Year Revolutions? My main one is to learn how to spell. 

That's just a little joke.

A very little joke.

Anyway. The beginning of anything (new year, job, house move, term etc) can bring with it a sense of optimism that can inspire change for the better in us. I'm not spouting a self-improvement gospel here, but just recognising that which happens to many of us a lot of the time.

I was struck recently whilst listening to a preach about 'Hearing from God', about just how simple it can be and how we can overcomplicate these things so readily. Here's the preach if you're interested. The thrust of the message is that if you give God the opportunity to speak to you today, for today, then he will. In fact his Word is enough and good for every day - we just need to gather it in!

I hope that is a blessing to some of us.

29 September 2014

Busy busy!

There's a bunch of stuff going on at the moment, but don't let that turn you into a Martha instead of a Mary! Have a look at the latest GCC News for October and see how you an get involved. You can download it here or by clicking the "GCC News" link under "Latest", above.

30 August 2014

We're Back!

Many people will have been away over the Summer break - which is nice - but sometimes it can feel a little odd getting to grips again with what's going on. To help facilitate a smooth transition the GCC News should give you most of the info you might need in the first instance. You can download it here or by clicking the "GCC News" link under "Latest", above.

21 July 2014

Summer Schedule

We do not meet at Gillingham Primary School over the summer but will be at The Old Library for most Sunday morning meetings (no meeting on 10 August). There are also some social activities organised, see the schedule below for more info. Information is always up to date on the church diary.

Sunday Mornings
27 July, 3 August, 17 August, 24 August, 31 August - 10.30am. The meetings will be led by various people throughout the summer and will all take place at The Old Library. If you'd like to join together after the meeting you can bring a picnic lunch.

Picnic in the park - Wed 23 July at 11am
Weather permitting. At the recreation ground at RiversMeet Leisure Centre. Organised by Jules.

Local walk - Wed 30 July at 7pm
Meeting at The Dolphin and ending there (for a pint afterwards?). Route and distance to be decided depending on who turns up. Organised by Steve.

Evening Bike Ride - Thursday 14 August at 8pm
Pace and distance to be decided depending on the preference of those involved. Please don't assume that it'll be a "fast one" and not turn up! Meet at The Old Library - bring bike lights and pub money. Organised by Pete.

BBQ! - Sat 23 August from 4pm to 7pm
Hot dogs and salad provided by the hosts so bring burgers/ baps/chicken/vegetarian equivalent or whatever else you'd want at a BBQ. Bring drinks too. Hosted by Doug and Beryl at their house.

5 July 2014

That certainly was a "Day to Remember"

We had an amazing day at Lox Lane Farm on Saturday 5th July. 

Over 80 guests attended our Day to Remember who were totally blessed by the whole event. The guests were invited because they had received help from Christians Against Poverty (CAP), Gillingham Foodbank or our Open Door project. There was fun for all the family, from a bouncy castle to manicures, cream teas to live music (provided by friends from Father’s House in Shaftesbury). 

Despite the torrential rain that came whilst the marquee was being erected, the weather (and the Lord) was incredibly kind to us all through the event.The volunteers had fun serving and making it a really special day for our guests and we were privileged to have Susan Sadler from CAP and her husband, Ken (who took the photographs), who came to bring a gospel message which was well received by all.

Everyone, who wanted to, received a framed photograph of themselves or their family and a goody bag. There was a lovely atmosphere and everyone went home happy at the end of the event.

Testimonies from the event include:

What a lovely afternoon we've had. Thank you so much!
It was the best day out with my children in years. So many kind people! Is that what being a Christian does to you?

1 July 2014

One News to Rule them all!

The GCC News for July and August is out now! Printed and Large Print versions are available from the school on a Sunday morning, or get your digital download in the normal way. 

29 May 2014

June's GCC News Hits the Shelf!

Download your latest GCC News here! Alternatively you can use the GCC News link under the Latest menu above or simply pick up a paper copy (large print version is available) from the Welcome Desk at Gillingham Primary School on a Sunday morning.

20 May 2014

New Wine

Remember to buy your tickets ladies and gents!

29 April 2014

GCC Takes up the Trailway Challenge! - Updated!

Click the picture above for more information.

Click the picture above for more information.

UPDATE: So what with the bad weather and all it looks as though tomorrow's Trailway Challenge will officially be postponed until it brightens up again. This, however, will not stop the unflappable Winters and Bonds from their proposed routes (Winters = 12 mile walk, Bonds = 10 mile cycle... lightweights). So if you're up for it, then some along anyway, but if you'd rather have an enjoyable time of it, we'll be rearranging. Watch this space for further details once the weather makes its mind up. END OF UPDATE

On Saturday 10th May we will be walking, running and biking the North Dorset Trailway. Starting in Sturminster Newton participants will have the opportunity to experience some beautiful countryside and points of interest along the route and tackle the Springwatch activity pack en route! Participants could be sponsored for a distance challenge or just give a donation on the day. Please invite your friends and family and lets get out there and have fun! 

27 March 2014

News from Fusion Jamaica

As a church we support the work of David and Lizzie Campbell in Jamaica. Fusion Jamaica has had a very interesting couple of years and they have recently been through a time of clarifying their vision and focus. There's loads of information about where they are at and what they are doing in the newsletter; please have a read and make contact with them if you feel so inspired.

27 March 2014

April GCC News

The April edition of the GCC News is out now! Many thanks to Neil MacBean who has taken on the creation of the GCC News on an ongoing basis. 

17 March 2014


Compassion at GCC - Latest News from Ted and Wendy

Last August we became Advocates for Compassion, a Christian organisation that sponsors children in 26 of the poorest countries in the world. This is an organisation we have been supporting for a number of years and felt the time was right to deepen our commitment. Compassion’s main focus is on individual sponsorship whereby sponsors commit themselves to sponsoring a child of their choice and maintain contact by sending and receiving letters. 

Children receiving sponsorship are given formal education, medical care which may include provision of basic supplies such as soap, toothpaste, food and clothing that is needed, as well as being introduced to the gospel at the project they attend. As children develop, they also receive guidance on career planning, setting realistic goals for their future with the help of project staff. 

Compassion always aims to be:

  • Child focused – every child has the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel in a culturally relevant way:
  • Christ centred – programmes engage each child, fostering their spiritual, economic, social and physical development;
  • Church based – programmes are run exclusively through local churches.

Over the years some 1.3 million have been lifted out of poverty through Compassion’s work and last year 125,000 children came to faith in Jesus. Compassion’s work is literally life-changing and even from thousands of miles distance, we can play a part in changing children’s lives. 

We are absolutely thrilled that GCC has become a Church Partner with Compassion - and as a church we now have a special link with the charity’s work in Tanzania. This includes our sponsorship of a little girl called Helen who attends the Urambo Student Center which is just 2km north of Urambo in Tanzania. Our vision is that in time, other Christians in the area will join us in this partnership.

On February 2nd we held our second ‘Compassion Sunday’ service (the first was in October 2010) to publicise the work of Compassion and encourage people to consider sponsorship. During the service we saw videos of a sponsor’s visit to his sponsored child in Tanzania and of Ginsely from the Dominican Republic who through involvement with a Compassion project was lifted out of poverty and she is now realising her dream in working as a dentist. The success stories are really encouraging but the reality of poverty is stark and challenging. With the help of two willing volunteers as interviewees we reflected on the differences between life for a child in the UK and for someone growing up in the developing world. During a break in the service the children were encouraged to find hidden verses on God’s passion for the poor and love for children, themes which featured in an interactive message based on Matthew 18. Not only did the children locate the verses successfully but they excelled themselves in memorising these key scriptures!   
The break gave people the opportunity to visit the Compassion stand and consider sponsorship.  

We are delighted to say that three other children from Urambo found sponsors that morning, so we now have a total of five children being supported in Tanzania.  Lives are being changed!  We are so grateful to those who have felt able to come forward to do this. 

Special envelopes are available each week for those who wish to contribute to Helen’s sponsorship. We are also planning some sponsored events to raise funds for Helen and if possible, wider projects in Tanzania. This is just the start of an exciting journey as God uses His people in GCC to change lives around the world.

Ted and Wendy Winter

15 March 2014

Good Friday Walk of Witness in Gillingham

Gillingham Churches Together are organising a Good Friday Walk of Witness – walking with the Cross, and a retelling of the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion - with music played by Gillingham Junior Band. The walk takes place on Friday April 18th park, and goes past Gillingham Methodist Church to the church of St. Mary the Virgin. Everyone is welcome.

10 March 2014


We are hosting this week's lent lunch. Let Jules know if you are able to help out! The lunch is at the Vicarage School Rooms. See the post below for more information. 

3 March 2014

Lent Activities

Please don't forget to sign up for helping with the lent lunch on Friday 14th March. 12.30pm at the Vicarage School Rooms. Contact Jules to join the team.

Also if you want to be a part of the lent studies then download the information pack and contact the group leader to join. Please don't try group G as it has been cancelled.

26 February 2014

March GCC News

The GCC News for March is now out! Download it now or pick up a printed copy from the welcome desk on a Sunday. If you'd prefer a large print edition then please see the welcome desk.

10 February 2014

Duggie Dug Dug Success

I loved the bit where he had the dirty handkerchief and it became clean again
— Chloe

It was great to have Duggie Dug Dug's Crazy Science Praise Party at The Olive Bowl on Saturday 8th February. Some children expressed a desire to be "Friends of Jesus" for the first time, which is great. Our thanks go to Ninkum and Poop (aka Jon and Joel) for their fun and willingness to get stuck in.

Duggie is working with Saltmine Theatre Company to create Noah: A Musical Adventure which will be touring in May. Who fancies going along? Get in touch.

10 February 2014

New Preaching Series

On Sunday (9th February) we started our new series of talks looking at The Implications of the Resurrection. Using 1 Corinthians 15 as our core text we will be looking at what the resurrection of Jesus Christ means for us today. This is the cornerstone, the foundation and the basis on which our faith is built so we need to be prepared with what it means for us and also why we even believe it to be true at all!

Head on over to the Talks page to hear the first in the series.

6 February 2014

Duggie Dug Dug's Crazy Science Praise Party!


Gillingham Community Church are hosting Duggie Dug Dug for a Crazy Science Praise Party! on 8th February 2014 at The Olive Bowl, Gillingham. This event is ideal for children aged 11 and under (and their families). This exciting praise party will be an absolute storm and it will be great to hear the kids gasp in astonishment at some of the experiments we will do! It is going to be full of songs, puppets, break dancing and some really fun and jaw-dropping visual experiments.

The idea is to help people appreciate our amazing God through the incredible world He’s made.