Open Door

Open Door is a multi-faceted service open Monday to Thursday from 10am until midday.

Mondays and Thursdays are a drop-in for support, advice, or Gillingham Foodbank.

Tuesdays & Wednesdays is a more open, community style feel. With regular activities and a space to connect with people.

Everyone is welcome to come for help, support or community.

Open Door Gillingham Dorset Mondays and Thursdays GCC Gillingham Community Church

Mondays & Thursdays

On Mondays and Thursdays there is a drop-in for general help as well as advice on debt, benefits, housing and more. It is also the collection point for those with Gillingham Foodbank vouchers.

If you need support or advice please get in touch or drop in on a Monday or Thursday between 10am-12pm.

Find out more about Gillingham Foodbank, click here.


Tuesdays & Wednesdays

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays the doors are open for more of a community feel, where there is opportunity for prayer, relaxing & chatting, asking questions and learning new skills.

On Tuesdays, sessions are followed by Bible Study at 12pm.

Each Wednesday we have something fun to do, Karaoke Choir, Bingo, Comedy Cookery, YouTube Quiz, or other fun things. 

On Tuesdays, during the colder months, we have a hot lunch and warm welcome space for those who are finding it hard to make ends meet or would appreciate the company. 

Do come along and get involved. There’s no need to sign up, just turn up if/when you would like to. 

open door gillingham community church, whats on? Karaoke, bingo, comedy, quiz

Get In Touch

We welcome all to come along to Open Door. Whether it’s for support, or to find a community to be part of: you are welcome. There’s no need to sign up, but you may wish to contact us ahead of time for Foodbank enquiries or Citizens advice so we can make you an appropriate appointment,

Foodbank Contact

Wessex House
8 High Street

© 2025 by Gillingham Community Church

Registered Charity Number: 1129261